Brexit News, Member News

Will this Brexit deal last?

Dr. Sam Natapoff, President at Empire Global Ventures, and Bloomberg News EMEA Reporter Maria Tadeo discuss Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal with the European Union that was barely agreed before it ran into trouble at home, as his Irish allies in parliament said they could not support it. Dan North, Chief Economist North America at Euler Hermes, talks about the U.S. economic outlook and whether we’re headed for a recession. Bloomberg News Reporter Brandon Kochkodin tells the story of how a guy on Reddit turned $766 into $107,758 on two options trades. And we Drive to the Close with Barry James, CIO of James Investment Research. Hosts: Jason Kelly and Lisa Abramowicz. Producer: Paul Brennan.

GUESTS: Maria Tadeo Reporter Bloomberg Editorial Discussing Brexit news

Sam Natapoff President Empire Global Ventures LLC Discussing the Eu and UK agreement on Brexit

Daniel North Chief Economist Euler Hermes North America Insurance Co Inc Discussing Fed policy and the U.S. economy

Brandon Kochkodin Reporter Bloomberg News Discussing his story- A Guy on Reddit Turns $766 Into $107,758 on Two Options Trades

Barry R James Chief Executive Officer James Investment Research Inc Discussing the markets and investing

Running time 29:32

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Compliments of Empire Global Ventures, a member of the EACCNY. This article appeared on Bloomberg