Member News

Toy Association Continues to Fight Against Tariffs on Toys

The Toy Association continues to actively fight against tariffs that could potentially be placed on toy imports from China, advocating the industry’s position to the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), Congress, and the White House.

Toys were not named as part of USTR’s most recent list of $200 billion in Chinese imports that could be subject to a 10 percent tariff; however, The Toy Association continues to actively oppose any tariffs being placed on toys.

The Association will once again be submitting comments to USTR on behalf of the toy industry opposing the new list of tariffs, which does name toy inputs (including certain textiles and metals) as well as related industry items such as hats, juvenile products, and children’s furniture, among other things. Toy Association members are encouraged to carefully review the USTR’s list (the list of products covered in this notice begins on page 11) and to contact Toy Association staff with comments by August 1. Comments to USTR are due by August 17.

The Association remains prominently active in the anti-tariff coalition comprised of nearly 200 associations and organizations. The Toy Association signed onto a multi-industry coalition letter in May that underscored the negative impact that tariffs would have on the American economy. More recently, the Association signed onto a coalition letter on June 26 supporting Congressional oversight of the Administration’s tariff powers.

“The Toy Association is supportive of the Administration’s efforts to address China’s practices that cause significant harm to U.S. intellectual property rights holders,” said Ed Desmond, executive vice president of external affairs. “However, these tariff actions are causing significant harm to U.S. companies. We urge the Administration and Congress to work with U.S. businesses and our international allies to find solutions that will not cause significant disruptions to supply chains.”

Toy Association staff also continue to meet with congressional offices urging them to convince the White House and USTR of the damage these tariffs are causing to businesses and employment in the U.S. Toy Association members are advised to contact their local congressman and senators to inform them of the harm tariffs will do to their company. Contact Rebecca Mond, senior director of federal government affairs, for assistance in getting in touch with congressional representatives.

Questions on this topic may be directed to Ed Desmond or Rebecca Mond.

Compliments of the Toy Association, a member of the EACCNY